Chip 1998 February
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║ Diamond BigFocus 13/WIN Driver ║
║ Display List Driver for AutoCAD 13 for Win95/NT ║
║ ║
║ Version 3.02 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Diamond Multimedia Release 0397 ║
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 BigFocus 13/Win General Information
1.2 System Requirements
2 Installation/Configuration
3 Troubleshooting/Bugfix
4 Registry Entries
1 Introduction
1.1 BigFocus 13/Win General Information
Welcome to BigFocus 13/Win, Diamond's acceleration driver for
AutoCAD 13 for Windows 95 and Windows NT! This software is simple to use and
offers a number of attractive features:
- performance boost up to factor 10 over the standard AutoCAD display
- a new Toolbar which contains the driver's main features:
+ Bird's-Eye View
+ Zoom All function
+ Spyglass Lense
+ Redraw function
+ Zoom Window function
+ Hotkeys configuration
+ BigFocus 13/Win online help
- effective mouse-controlled zoom and pan actions via the Bird's-Eye
- Spyglass window enabling close-up views of the drawing and transfer
back to AutoCAD
Note that the driver does not contain any 3D functionality. This
is provided by 3D-Win.
1.2 System Requirements
(a) Boards
The BigFocus 13/Win driver only works with Diamond professional
series graphics accelerators.
(b) Windows
The current version of this software is for Windows 95 and Windows
NT 3.5/4.0 only.
2. Installation and Configuration
a) Installation from CD ROM
1. Run the program "START" from the CD ROM
2. Select 'Graphics board'
3. Follow the instructions on the screen. The installation routine will
decompress and copy various files onto your hard disk.
4. For more information, please consult the BigFocus documentation.
Reconfiguring AutoCAD for Windows to use BigFocus 13/Win:
Start ACADWIN, Select "Options", "Configure", and when selecting the
display driver choose:
BigFocus - Accelerated Display Driver by Diamond Multimedia Inc.
3 Troubleshooting and Bugfix
During the AutoCAD configuration the option 'Diamond BigFocus - Accelerated
Display Driver...' doesn't appear, the Toolbar doesn't appear.
Check your ACAD.INI file. It must contain the following section (example):
where the DIAMOND path (C:\dsmedia\bigfocus in this example) should correspond to
the target directory you entered during the software installation. Change or
add the entry if necessary.
BugFix information
- Linestyle: dotted lines are fixed
- Birds-eye view: the maximum size now free
- Bitmap error with screensaver now fixed
Additional Features
- New HW accelerated redraw on FireGL x000.
This gives an additional 2x boost in graphics performance.
4 Registry Entries
The following registry entry descriptions are provided for informational purposes.
Most registry entries are changed by the BigFocus configuration dialog or at runtime
by BigFocus itself.
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Diamond\BigFocus\EnableGlintDriver
REG_DWORD - 0x1 enable Glint HW acceleration
0x0 disable
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Diamond\BigFocus\HWRedraw
REG_DWORD - 0x1 switch on HW acceleration
0x0 switch off
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Diamond\BigFocus\Optimize Redraw
REG_DWORD - 0x1 redraw occurs only in "dirty" areas on the screen
this saves lot of time when working with large drawings
0x0 total screen redraw (normal behaviour of display driver)
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Diamond\BigFocus\HWClipRects
REG_DWORD - this gives the maximum number of windows overlapping the drawing area
for HW accelerated redraw.
A trade-off has to be made - above a certain number of overlapping windows
non HW accelerated redraws appear to be faster. The driver dynamically chooses
non HW accelerated redraw if the number of overlapping windows (toolbars,
BirdEye,...) is greater than HWClipRects. Default value is 1.
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Diamond\BigFocus\Append Menu
REG_DWORD - 0x1 BigFocus menu is appended to the main screen menu
0x0 BigFocus menu is NOT appended to the main screen menu
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Diamond\BigFocus\Cfg
REG_BINARY - current BigFocus user settings (BirdEye on/off,...)
║ End of README - Press [Esc] ║